15 May 2023

JinkoSolar, the global leader in the sales of PV modules in the first quarter of 2023

The newly published Solarbe Global report on the size of PV module sales worldwide ranks JinkoSolar, of which Energynat is an authorized importer and distributor, as the top global seller in the first quarter of the current year. The company delivered a total of 13.04 GW of modules to the market in 2023, with nearly 50% of them being N-type Tiger Neo panels. This represents a growth of 72.7% compared to the same period in 2022.

-Our position in the ranking is not surprising – commented Dany Qian, Vice President of JinkoSolar. –Despite fierce competition, our brand continues to drive market development and leads the global race in terms of innovation. Today, we are the world leader in the development and production of N-type TOPCon technology solutions. In Q1 2023, this technology already accounted for 50% of our total sales.

-JinkoSolar is one of the largest and most innovative PV module manufacturers in the world. The popularity of N-type cell technology, in which JinkoSolar is a pioneer, as well as the company’s continuous achievement of record-breaking efficiency, contribute to the growing demand for JinkoSolar panels. Customers in Europe also appreciate the extended warranties and aesthetic qualities of these modules – said Paweł Kozłowski, Chief Operations Officer and Co-Founder of Energynat.

-Energynat is currently one of key importers of JinkoSolar products in Europe, guaranteeing its customers and business partners the highest quality of service and advisory support, in addition to availability and fixed prices, regarding the JinkoSolar offering – he added.

JinkoSolar modules are available in Europe at hand via Energynat. For container and megawatt orders, in which the importer specializes, direct contact is encouraged, along with taking advantage of Energynat flagship program “Big DISCOUNTS for MEGAWATTS” and direct collection of components from three Energynat distribution centers in different countries Europe, including, Netherlands, Germany and Poland.


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